How To use the USB Ports on Samsonite SuitcasesUpdated a year ago
Certain collections from Samsonite have been fitted with USB Ports, which allow 'On-The-Go' Charging of electronic devices. The USB Port can usually be located next to the TSA Lock, which offers easy access to the port itself.
To use the USB Port for charging, attach a PowerBank to the cable which is located inside the suitcase. There will be a small pocket, which will house the PowerBank itself. We advise zipping this pocket closed, once the PowerBank has been inserted, this will prevent it from accidentally falling out.
Example of internal PowerBank Pocket on Samsonite C-Lite Suitcase
Next, lift up the plastic or rubber cover that covers the USB Port and attach your usual charging cable to the port that is located to the outside of the suitcase. Next, attach your mobile phone, tablet or other electronic device.Example of USB Port on Samsonite C-Lite Suitcase
Charging will begin, exactly as it usually would if you would when using a PowerBank. Once you have finished using the charging port, place the cover back over the port hole. This will ensure that water, dust or grime will not enter the port.
NOTE: PowerBanks are sold separately and unless stated, do not come with a purchase of a suitcase.